Thursday, June 13, 2019

Arab Culture and Beliefs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arab Culture and Beliefs - Essay ExampleThe Islamic faith had taken roots in the 6th century AD in Saudi Arabia and pass on out into the surrounding regions. The Islamic rulers were trained in the art of warfare, astute give insmen and able administrators6. They ruled with an iron hand but they were fair in their dealings7. They were patrons of literature, arts, cognition and philosophy8. Trade, education and military expeditions were high on their agenda and they carried out these in the best tradition9 and vision the newly found religion propagated and expounded10 (Saudi Arabia Culture).Hence, given the ideal state of affairs storytellers flourished11. These bards were thoroughly familiar with the fallacies and foibles of all men from at all levels12. They were either trained in the art of storytelling or were motivated13 enough to stir up their imaginations to arouse interest and maintain it through mentally manufactured plots which they narrated before gaping, awe-struck audie nce14. Which audience will resist the temptation to hear accounts of rags to riches episodes15 couched with mysterious events, adventures, majestic heroes, beautiful women, eccentric rulers, scheming villains, strange beings and beasts, and rounded up with the most unlikely and profound endings.16The Arab coating of medieval times provide the fantastic backgro... The Arab culture of medieval times provide the fantastic background of valor and wealth, innocence and greed, intrigue and deceit, ogre and jinn, and a rich variety of oriental charm and chicanery17 to clothe the Arabian Nights with the unique touch and brand of a world where the interplay of facts and fiction18 gave both an aura of invincibility and supernatural powers to perform the im executable.19 The Arabian Nights tantalizingly reflect the heydays of Arabias past(a) glory20 when ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11,12,13,14,15 Saudi Arabia C ulture16,17,18,19,20 The Arabian Nightsthe Arab world was a world centre for learning, science, arts and philosophy21. The advent and spread of Islam in the Arab world22 and beyond happened in the times the Arabian Nights came to be written and told23. Possibilities exist for some of the stories to have been given a makeover of the Arab culture and beliefs24 to make it more acceptable to the regional masters and citizenry15. It is also possible that many of the stories originated25 from one of the countries with whom Arabia had economic and cultural ties like India26. The stories resonate with the culture and ethos of these places where the Islamic rulers had dominion including the countries the Arabs did business with27. What distinguishes the Arabian Nights from other folklores is the way metaphysics28 is incorporated to cotton up ordinary life and situations with supernatural aliens and incidents29. The stories of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sindbad the Sailor, Aladdin and t he Wonderful Lamp30 are some examples of

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